Professional Accreditation

Certification is intended to support you throughout your career. The Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC®) has identified roles, responsibilities and competencies for four broad career levels: Foundational, Generalist/Specialist, Strategic Adviser, and Business Leader. At this time, the GCCC offers certification for the Communication Management Professional and Strategic Communication Management Professional levels.

The Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications, including the continuing professional development requirement, are based on the Global Standard for communication professionals set forth by IABC. Applying that standard enables the GCCC to cross all borders, align with diverse cultures, and effectively serve organizations of all types and sizes.

Professional certifications through GCCC® give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise and provide evidence of your outstanding abilities.

Professional GCCC certification: Why certify?

During this webinar, you’ll learn seven reasons why you should seek professional certification. You’ll hear from Brad Whitworth, ABC, SCMP, IABC Fellow, and vice-chairman of the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC). He’ll talk to you through the how, what, when, and where of the process for the GCCC’s Communication Management Professional (CMP) and Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP) certifications.

Types of Certification Programs

Communication Management Professional (CMP)

For generalists, specialists and other business communicators established in their careers as managers and looking to demonstrate their competence.

Candidates must demonstrate eight years of experience and 40 hours of training OR six years of experience, two years of education, and 40 hours of training.

CMP Application

Strategic Communication Management Professional (SCMP)

For highly skilled business communicators practiced in providing strategic communication advice and counseling to an organization’s leadership.

Candidates must demonstrate eleven years of experience and 20 hours of training AND provide a letter of recommendation from mentees or an organization for which the candidate has done pro bono work addressing senior level contributions to communications.

SCMP Application

Accredited Business Communicator (ABC) Legacy Certification

An Accredited Business Communicator (ABC) is a proven communication professional. The ABC is a distinction carried by about 10 percent of all IABC members. It demonstrates a professional ability to successfully manage and perform tasks essential to effective communication.

IABC formally closed the Accredited Business Communicator program in 2013. This has now been replaced with the CMP and SCMP certification programs.

Learn More

Are you ready to begin your certification journey? We’re here to help.

IABC Nashville wants to help you in your career development in passing the CMP or SCMP exam. Please reach out to Michael Deas, ABC, SCMP, Chapter Accreditation Coach, to learn more about the accreditation process and ways our chapter can help.

Get Started Today