Member Spotlight: Diana Sanchez-Vega, Owner of Sanchez-Vega Communications

By Kristin Appelman

On a continuous basis, IABC Nashville spotlights its diverse members through a Q & A feature. We are pleased to showcase new IABC member Diana Sanchez-Vega, Owner of Sanchez-Vega Communications! 

When did you join IABC Nashville?
I joined IABC in the fall of 2019

What is your current position? How long have you been in this role?

I am the owner of a small business called Sanchez-Vega Communications. I have been a business owner since 2003 (my business had a different name back then).

How did you get started in this business?

I actually started a communications business in my native Argentina prior to moving to the US in 1999. A colleague and I, both of us English language teachers down there, were approached by an international concert promoter to manage communications between all parties involved in his projects. Our operations organically grew and developed from there. Once in the US, I set up my own business to facilitate and strengthen cross-cultural communications, and to train bilingual employees.

What lesson(s) have you learned along the way that you believe has made you a better communications professional?

I have learned to listen differently. As an interpreter and translator, active listening is a skill that I apply daily but, because of that, it can become stale. I have learned how to “hit the reset” button before I listen to any new utterance/read any new written message, rather than assume what is coming based on how it is presented. I have also learned that the key to effective communication is not always the same, and the fun is to figure out what works!

What makes an effective communications leader?

For me, an effective communications leader empowers others to find their own voice and guides them on how to use it.

If you could describe yourself in three (3) words, what would they be?

Driven, persistent, fun

Tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

When I was in middle school, I was in a top-performing field hockey team. 

What three (3) things are you most excited to gain from IABC Nashville (in ranking order)?

  1.  To learn from other professionals in the industry. I am an eternal student!
  2.  To network with other members and guests, both locally and in other chapters
  3. To participate in building a community amongst communications professionals

Bonus:  What’s your favorite productivity hack that’s kept you successful working remotely in COVID-19? (i.e. favorite app, time-shaving method, a part of your daily routine, etc.)
Sharing my daily goals with my roommate (who is now home every day), has been a great way to set boundaries for both of us. It has also made both of us more productive as it’s almost like having someone to be accountable to (besides yourself) – even if your daily activities are not connected!


Kristin Appelman is the marketing manager for Concept Technology, Inc., and serves on the IABC Nashville board of directors as Vice President of Membership.