2019 Music City Gold Pen Awards

We continue our quest to recognize Middle Tennessee professionals who exemplify excellence in strategic business communications, management skills, thought leadership, and creativity.

Each year, the Music City Gold Pen Awards showcase leading-edge work, from area communicators – members and non-members alike. Submitting an entry will help you develop your professional knowledge and skills, and prepare for entry into the international Gold Quill Awards program. Upload your entry here

Judged by other IABC chapter professionals, a Music City Gold Pen Award is one of the most prestigious awards a communicator, designer, marketing strategist, or student can earn.

10 Reasons to Enter Music City Gold Pen Awards

  1. Demonstrate your skills in analytical thinking and creative implementation by entering an effective strategic communications plan according to IABC’s global standards and criteria of excellence.
  2. Earn credibility and a reputation for excellence, as one among the best in the region.
  3. Be recognized for your work by colleagues, your employer, and clients, with solid evidence that you’re one of the best at what you do.
  4. Fine-tune your skills with expert feedback from senior professionals.
  5. Inspire your team and enhance their reputation, both internally and externally.
  6. Build a business case for an increase in your communications budget.
  7. Elevate the standard of professional communication in your organization.
  8. Build a portfolio of work & a stronger resumė to open doors for new clients and career advancement.
  9. Show you can compete with the best of the best.
  10. Use the feedback from our local IABC chapter awards to enter an even stronger submission at regional and international levels.


IABC Nashville celebrated the 2018 Music City Gold Pen Awards winners on Thursday, Sept. 20, with the “Voice of the Predators” Pete Weber calling the play-by-play as we recognized top communications projects and professionals in middle Tennessee and southern Kentucky.

Winners and photos from last year’s event are available here.

About Us

IABC Nashville is one of more than 100 chapters in 70 countries providing learning opportunities for its members and professional development sessions that offer new insights into the latest communication trends, technology and issues facing the industry. The chapter is diverse, with members representing area agencies, broadcast stations, corporations, universities and nonprofit organizations. IABC Nashville offers ties to communications jobs, connections to a communications tribe, and Music City Gold Pen Awards.

Connect Here. Go Anywhere!

Questions? Email Vice President of Awards: Mich Michaud.


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