February Log In and Lunch: Wednesday, Feb. 23

Preparing your Organization for a Post-pandemic Economy

Good news! Economic growth has returned. The bad news is that workers have not. Join us on Wednesday, February 23, at Noon (CT) on Zoom as David Waddell, CEO and Chief Investment Strategist of Waddell & Associates, explains what the economy will look like, how to plan for 2022 and beyond, and some of the best ways of communicating those plans with your stakeholders.

You’ll learn:

  • Economic forecasts for 2022 and beyond
  • How to compete for new talent without a growing workforce
  • Talking points to help you communicate changes to the economy, supply chain disruptions, and inflation with your clients, customers and stakeholders

Our discussion will feature:

This will be an interactive discussion with plenty of time for Q&A. To submit a question in advance, please send us an email.

Get your tickets now!


$5 for IABC Members and $15 for non-members. Events are free for current students.

In an effort to continue to provide quality, engaging virtual professional development programming each month, our member rate for monthly events is increasing to $5. This will grant you exclusive access to the recorded presentation after the event. We recognize the last year has been trying for many of our members and friends, and this increase may be unattainable for some. If you feel this cost will prevent you from participating in our professional development events, please contact us. We appreciate your commitment to our chapter during the last year as we transitioned to a virtual environment and we look forward to returning to in-person events as soon as we are able.