September Professional Development Event: “Difficult Conversations: Keeping Your Cool Under Pressure”
As professional communicators, it is easy to advise others on how to respond in certain situations. But when we find ourselves in challenging conversations with clients, colleagues, or a crisis, are we equipped to react appropriately and set the right example for those who trust our expertise?
Join us Wednesday, September 23, from Noon – 1:00 PM CDT, for an in-depth panel discussion with respected communicators from various industries to learn practical strategies and techniques for maintaining your composure during these challenging workplace conversations. This discussion will include:
▪ Protecting valuable professional relationships despite personal disagreements or challenging interactions
▪ Managing challenging discussions with peers, colleagues, and superiors in the workplace
▪ Taking accountability for our role in the direction and outcomes of difficult conversations
▪ Overcoming fear and misunderstanding about financial matters
- Teresa Bailey, Wealth Strategist, Waddell & Associates
- Kristin Story Baron, PHR, Director, HR Business Partner Corporate Shared Services, Loews Hotels
- Judith Meyer, Assistant Vice President, Business Risk Solutions, HCA Healthcare
- Lauren Reed, APR, Founder & President, Reed Public Relations
Free for IABC members and $15 for non-members.