Member Spotlight – Bailey Cairnduff

On a continuous basis, IABC Nashville spotlights its diverse members through a Q & A feature. We are pleased to showcase new IABC member Bailey Cairnduff, Implementation Specialist at HCA Healthcare. 

What is your current position? How long have you been in this role?

I am currently an Implementation Specialist at HCA and I have been in this role since April, 2018.

How did you get started in this business?

I have always had an interest in communications, along with events. My Bachelor’s Degree is in Hospitality Management, with an emphasis in Event Management, and a minor in General Business. I also have a Master’s Degree in Communications. 

What makes your business/organization stand out?

HCA is one of the largest hospital corporations in the world and patient care is the focus of the organization. Serving patients and giving them the highest possible quality of service is something to take pride in. HCA also has a family-oriented culture, which I truly appreciate and I am thankful to be a part of the organization. 

What lesson(s) have you learned along the way that you believe has made you a better communications professional?

I do not work in a communications-specific role currently. However, I do have many aspects of communications intertwined into my role and I have been able to learn some lessons along the way. I have made it a part of my goals this year to improve my ability to choose which avenue of communications is necessary for certain conversations (e-mail, text, Skype, phone call) and what would be the most timely option best suited for the group involved. 

What makes an effective communications leader?

Effective leaders, in any profession, should be approachable, trustworthy, and proficient listeners. Being able to make team members feel comfortable to express their ideas in a comfortable setting will create the most effective results from the employees. Communications leaders need to have a sense of trust between themselves and the employees, because if an employee knows they are trusted, they will have the ability to work without any barriers and feel comfortable expressing their thoughts.  Another important trait a communications leader should have is the ability to give and receive constructive feedback. Being able to discuss how to make improvements is a key factor in any profession.

If you could describe yourself in three (3) words, what would they be?

Hard-working, authentic, trustworthy

Tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

I was a member of the Women’s Basketball Team at Grand Valley State University.

What prompted you to join IABC?  How did you hear about us?

Mollye Dietrich is a colleague of mine, who told me about IABC. My membership is going to be included as a part of my professional development this year.  I am going to attend as many sessions as I can, in order to learn more about communications and network as much as possible.

What three (3) things are you most excited to gain from IABC Nashville?

Networking, ideas on content development, and improving my overall grasp on the communications industry.