Guest Blog: Resume or CV? Know when to use each to get the job you want.

By Nicole Garrison

When applying for a new job, you want to do everything in your power to make a good impression and increase your chances of getting hired. While there are quite a few things which can help you achieve that, the most important one is related to the way you present yourself.

While many people might not be aware of it, both resumes and curriculum vitae are quite similar but also hold certain differences. These can play an important role in your search for employment. In order to help you succeed, here are some things you should know about both.

What is a Resume?

A resume is a document that describes certain qualities of an individual in a brief manner. It is generally no longer than a page and it aims towards offering the reader enough and important information.

The good thing about a resume is that is can carry a lot of information in a very short length. In addition to this, because of its short length, it is easily modifiable for every niche and every job one wishes to apply for.

What is a CV?

A CV or Curriculum Vitae means the course of life in Latin and serves the purpose of showcasing exactly that. A much lengthier version of a simple resume, the curriculum vitae can be made up of many pages. Thanks to this, the applicant is able to include a lot of details that can easily be overlooked in a resume.

Not only is it possible to include more personal information about one’s interests and other activities, but they are also able to include their whole professional career. Lastly, this document is also organized in chronological order and should be updated frequently.

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Write to Win: Mastering the Art of Awards Submission Writing Online Workshop

Are you entering award nominations for your organization, but not getting the results you deserve? The problem could be the way you are filling out your application. Successful award entries take time, strategy, and dynamic storytelling.

Join us on Wednesday, July 22, for an in-depth panel discussion on award writing best practices with some of the International Association of Business Communicators’ (IABC) professional recognition leaders. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls and ways to make your entries stand out in front of judges. This workshop will include:

  • Identifying common mistakes and writing problems
  • Understanding judges and what they are looking for
  • Proactive planning to avoid late deadlines
  • Crafting entries that tell a story and demonstrate results

These best practices will prepare you to submit any type of award entry, regardless of industry and award type. This online event is free for IABC members and non-members.

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July Virtual Networking Mixer: Half-Year Celebration

Celebrate the half-year mark of 2020, and join us for our July Virtual Networking Mixer! We are bringing together Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky’s finest communications professionals for a FREE virtual happy hour to share ideas, support, and best practices regarding our profession during this “new normal” of social distancing. Log in and bring your own tasty libations, delicious bites, and engaging conversation. Get to know fellow business communicators and start building long-lasting connections. It’s the Zoom meeting of the month you will not want to miss!

When: Wednesday, July 15 from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 

Location: Zoom (link provided upon registration)

Cost: Free

Reserve Your Spot

Member Spotlight: Julie K. Davis, APR, Brookdale Senior Living

By Kristin Appelman

On a continuous basis, IABC Nashville spotlights its diverse members through a Q & A feature. We are pleased to showcase IABC member Julie K. Davis, APR, Vice President of Communications at Brookdale Senior Living

When did you join IABC Nashville?

Way back in the mid-2000s, then- president of the chapter Sharon Harper invited me to give a presentation on a sensational case-study from my former job, a case-study that involved fraud, extortion, and a mouse necropsy to help determine the truth. The meeting was at World Christian Broadcasting headquarters so I met Paul Ladd right off the bat. I enjoyed meeting the people who came to the meeting and saw value in developing my professional network and skills through attending the monthly meetings.  I became active on the board, serving in a variety of positions, including President, over a ten year period, and found the work to be worthwhile.

What is your current position? How long have you been in this role?

VP Communications for Brookdale Senior Living. I just passed my seven-year anniversary with the company this past March.

How did you get started in this business?

College English major who was lucky enough to get into commercial radio and public television broadcasting. After some years of that, I decided to make the switch to corporate, so I got an M.S. in Corporate Communications since success in corporate communications requires more than just knowing how to make a TV show. 

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Father Knows Best: Local pros share insights on how fatherhood shapes leadership and trust

By Kellie Davie, APR

Over the past few months, I have been reading a lot about leadership and management to prepare for the Strategic Communications Management Professional™ (SCMP) Exam. One of the books I’m currently reading has been Building The High-Trust Organization. This research-heavy book discusses how trust shapes us as individuals and the ripple effect it from top to bottom. “High Trust” organizations and leaders share five key traits: 1) Competence (you know your stuff); 2) Openness and Honesty (self-explanatory: don’t lie) ; 3) Concern for Stakeholders (you care); 4) Reliability (you can be counted on), and; 5) Identification (shared values).

These traits impact us from a very early age, and we learn them from our first “supervisors”—our parents. With Father’s Day happening this Sunday, I am reminded of how my dad exemplified these traits. Now retired, my dad had a successful career in medical equipment/pharmaceutical sales that required him to travel frequently and work long hours. Despite this, he always made it a priority to spend time with me: trading tee times for tea parties and golf clubs for Barbies. Being the nerd that I am, I compared my dad’s parenting style, to the five key traits of high trust I’ve been studying:

  1. Competence – Dad is always my “Phone-A-Friend” when it comes to topics like car maintenance, home improvement advice, and random medical knowledge. He’s also an incredibly smart person and holds a master’s degree in management from SDSU.
  2. Openness and Honesty – You always know where he stands on an issue, even when you didn’t ask for his commentary.
  3. Concern for Stakeholders – He checks in daily to see how Max (my son) and I are doing. He genuinely cares about us.
  4. Reliability – Whenever I have been in a jam, he’s been there in a jiffy!
  5. Identification – He taught me the core values of decency, work ethic, strong communication skills, and kindness.

A 2019 Indeed survey, released for Father’s Day, highlighted that it’s not just moms who have work-life changes after having a child: 88% of dads said having a child changed how they viewed their career, with 87% citing different career goals and 77% saying they had new views on corporate culture, especially on trust.

In celebration of Father’s Day, I reached out to five local professionals who share their insights on how fatherhood has impacted their leadership styles and careers. These fathers, some of whom are also grandfathers, range from senior-level executives to retired freelancers. Despite being industries and life stages, these fathers have had to juggle working full-time, raising children, coaching little league, or attending dance recitals, while trying to squeeze in personal time and growth (and maybe an occasional football game). Here’s what they said.

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