Back To Business: How Nashville communicators are helping our local economy open safely

By Kellie Davie, APR

It has now been nearly three months since the COVID-19 pandemic put a standstill on most businesses in our area and in the country. We are now starting to see a progression of businesses reopening, thanks to Nashville Mayor John Cooper announcing that we are in Phase 2 of the city’s “Roadmap for Reopening Nashville” plan on Memorial Day. Phase 2 allows restaurants and some businesses to open at 75% capacity and bring live music back to restaurants and bars. Salons, gyms, and attractions are allowed to open at 50% capacity, and gatherings of 25 people or less will be allowed.

The pandemic has changed the way businesses manage communications to stakeholders, with a constant ebb and flow of messaging taking place as new updates on the virus develop. IABC Nashville asked three of Nashville’s most seasoned business communicators what they are doing to maintain clear, concise, and consistent messaging. 

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June Log In and Lunch: “Creating Brand Experiences in an Age of Social Distancing”

Creating Brand Experiences in an Age of Social Distancing

As social distancing forces us to reevaluate plans for in-person meetings and events, providing meaningful, valuable experiences for your audiences is as important as ever. Shifting from face-to-face to a virtual platform requires more than simply scheduling a Zoom call.

Join us Wednesday, June 17 as Lindsay Bertelli, president and owner of REACH, guides through the strategy, tactics, and technology of creating valuable brand experiences in our new virtual environment. If your 2020 events have been moved online or you are exploring creative ways to reach participants virtually, this presentation will help you figure out how to get started and set you up for a successful shift.

Event Information

When: Wednesday, June 17 from Noon – 1 p.m.
Location: Online event via Zoom
Cost: Free for IABC Nashville members; $15 for non-members


Lindsay Bertelli
President and Owner

About our speaker: Lindsay Bertelli

As Owner and President of REACH, Lindsay has over 15 years of in-depth experience in tour and event production as well as sponsorship management. Her work with top entertainment and corporate clients has made her a well-known force in the industry giving her the knowledge and expertise needed to navigate the growing, and increasingly interactive, sponsorship environment. With the launch of REACH, Bertelli combines her years of experience with novel and progressive sponsorship methods to create effective tactics appropriate for each client’s individual needs.

A graduate from Belmont University with a degree in Music Business, she began her career as a concert promoter at Moore Entertainment Group, ultimately affiliated with both TBA Entertainment and AEG Live. As Senior Project Manager, she managed eleven years of production and sponsorship for CMT On Tour – which involved artists Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban, Sugarland, Brad Paisley, and Jason Aldean. 


Reserve your spot for this informative event. See you there.

We are a diverse community.

IABC Nashville stands today and every day with our Black members, colleagues, partners, and the entire Black community. We stand with others around the globe to speak out against racism, promote understanding and inclusion, and to advance the message of decency and kindness.

Resources as we continue the conversation:

Chambers and community groups

IABC and other communications resources:

Call for Entries Now Open: 2020 Music City Gold Pen Awards

IABC Nashville is on a quest to recognize Middle Tennessee professionals who exemplify excellence in strategic business communications, management skills, thought leadership, and creativity. Each year, the Music City Gold Pen Awards showcase leading-edge work from area communicators – members and non-members alike – from various sectors.
Submitting an entry will help you develop your professional knowledge and skills, and prepare for entry into the international Gold Quill Awards program. Judged by professionals in other IABC chapters, a Music City Gold Pen Award is one of the most prestigious awards a communicator, designer, marketing strategist, or student can earn. 


Call for Entries Begin
Monday, June 1: Call For Entries Open
Wednesday, July 22: Professional Development Event 
  • Best Practices in Award Submissions from a panel of seasoned IABC judges


Friday, August 21: Early Deadline
  • IABC Members: $75 Per Entry*
  • Non-Members: $90 Per Entry
  • Nonprofits/Students: $25 Per Entry
Friday, August 28: Final Deadline
  • IABC Members: $90 Per Entry*
  • Non-Members: $110 Per Entry
  • Nonprofits/Students: $40 Per Entry
Late September/Early October: Winners Notified
Monday, November 2: Virtual Awards Celebration
Free live streaming event
*Must be an active IABC member to receive rate. +Subject to change due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


IABC has now added Category 17: Diversity and Inclusion to Division 1 – Communication Management. Entries in this category should highlight campaigns or programs of work aimed at building a culture of inclusion for an organization, with internal or external stakeholders (or both).
IABC Nashville is proud to support three Leadership Awards designed to honor outstanding communicators in our region. These awards are designed to recognize members for their outstanding achievements and positive impact on the profession and IABC Nashville. Categories include:
  • Rising Star: Salutes a young, dynamic leader who is shaping the future of IABC Nashville.
  • Communicator of the Year: Recognizes a communication leader who demonstrates exceptional leadership, management, and communication skills.
  • Hall of Fame: Lifetime achievement as an outstanding communicator whose contributions have raised the standards of professional communications.
Sponsors of the Music City Gold Pen Awards gain visibility and recognition from the region’s top business communicators. Showcase your company to event attendees by becoming a sponsor and reach a group of decision-makers and influencers in the business community. 


A BIG thank you to our official award partners, IABC Atlanta and KC IABC, for providing judges for the 2020 Music City Gold Pen Awards. As part of this partnership, members from IABC Nashville will be judging the KC Quills and Golden Flame Awards.

We hope you will consider entering your best work! If you have questions regarding the 2020 Music City Gold Pen Awards, please reach out to Kellie Davie, APR, Vice President of Awards and Communications, at Good luck and thank you for your support!


Kellie Davie, APR,  is the managing director and founder of Keycom, a marketing communications firm in Nashville dedicated to providing businesses with the creative strategies they need to reach their goals. Kellie also serves on the IABC Nashville board of directors as Vice President of Awards and Communications. 

Member Spotlight: June D. Patterson, Content Director at HealthStream

By Kristin Appelman

On a continuous basis, IABC Nashville spotlights its diverse members through a Q & A feature. We are pleased to showcase IABC member June D. Patterson, Content Director, hStream, at HealthStream

When did you join IABC Nashville?

August 2019

What is your current position? How long have you been in this role?

I am a Content Director for HealthStream and have been in this role since March 2019. I provide editorial vision and tactical direction for how digital learning content is created and distributed to healthcare workers.  

How did you get started in this business?

I graduated from Walter Cronkite School of Journalism school at Arizona State University and have been in the communications business in some capacity ever since. I started as a newspaper reporter at the Arizona Republic. I discovered medical writing early in my career and spent 12 years as the Editor-in-Chief of a medical news publisher. Although I have spent most of my career in healthcare communications, I have also enjoyed freelance writing for lifestyle and business publications along the way. 

What lesson(s) have you learned along the way that you believe has made you a better communications professional?

One of the things that I have learned as a communications professional is that people rarely have the time to read (or watch or listen) to everything you have to say. Because I know that, I try to a) answer a reader’s question before they ask and b) keep my communications concise. People also tend to forget what you say. I’m always prepared to repeat my message.

What makes an effective communications leader?

I think two of the greatest attributes of a communications leader is their ability to listen and their ability to empathize with the person or people to whom they are delivering a message. 

If you could describe yourself in three (3) words, what would they be?

Organized. Thoughtful. Creative.

Tell us something about yourself that people would be surprised to learn.

Ever since I was a kid I’ve always loved cars, particularly sports cars, muscle cars, and big trucks. Ferrari and F-150 are two of my favorites. I attend car shows as often as I can, and I have a goal to attend a Formula 1 race in Europe within the next two years. 

What three (3) things are you most excited to gain from IABC Nashville (in ranking order)?

  1. Making new friends 
  2. Learn a new communication skill or technique
  3. Sharing and learning best practices from other members

Bonus:  What’s your favorite productivity hack that’s kept you successful working remotely in COVID-19? (i.e. favorite app, time-shaving method, a part of your daily routine, etc.)

I found a new app called ‘COVID Coach.’ It’s a free app that was created by the Department of Veterans Affairs, but anyone can use it. It’s meant to support self-care and overall mental health for people during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Kristin Appelman is the marketing manager for Concept Technology, Inc., and serves on the IABC Nashville board of directors as Vice President of Membership. 






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